Friday, 22 February 2013

A Feline's Silhouette

A murky, pale moon masks a silhouette;
A silhouette so eminent to night.
With eyes that gleam, she waltzed a swift duet.
Her paw, so quick, leads dances, not a fight.


  1. Hello, Lemonic.

    I feel your first line is like this somewhat:


    So you have the word "moon" that doesn't quite fit the iambic pentameter. Maybe you say this differently than me: forgive me if you do.

    The other three lines are spectacular personifications and metaphors that represent the elegance and gentility of the cat. Great stuff.

    1. Hi Allspark,

      Although i did want to emphasize the 'moon' while writing, i found it quite challenging so i placed an adjective before 'moon' thinking it would match the iambic pentameter but after reading your comment and going through my poem again, i realized i should have reconsidered that line.

      Thanks for pointing that out, i'll take it into mind as to not repeat the mistake next time

  2. Hi, Lemonic.

    I really found your poem interesting.

    I do agree with Allspark, but other than that, I really did enjoy it.

    This piece has described a cat really well, and that's why I found it really interesting.

  3. I LOVE the second couplet - your extended 'dance' metaphor is original, striking and fresh, and something of which to be really proud. Well done!

    I won't repeat the point about the slipped iamb in Line 1. But look again at Line 2: whilst it works iambically, it doesn't make complete sense to me. I am not sure the silhouette could be "eminent to night", and don't really know what that would mean. How about something like this instead:
    A silhouette united with the night
    A silhouette connected to the night

    The only other point I would make (if I am being picky with what is some pretty impressive poetry) is about your tense in Lines 3-4. Elsewhere, you are writing in the present tense, which works; but here you slip into the past tense, which jars. How about omitting the "swift", leaving you with:
    "With eyes that gleam, she waltzes a duet"?

    Well done!

  4. Dear Lemony T,

    I love how you have captured the elegance and independence of the cat. Absolutely spot on.

    I won't repeat comments previously made so well done!


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