Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A Wishful Torture + openings


The 7th opening had to be the most intriguing, and mind babbling opening of the texts. I loved how it starts of confusing the reader, this is really effective because it draws in the readers, almost forcing them to continue reading. The reason why its so confusing is because, it starts of with a tragedy like mystery. We are left wondering what happened to that mam? how did he get into this state?

The diction gave a very good picture of what was happening. "colourful mixture of spit, snot, urine, vomit and blood" I could easily tell from this description, he was hurt badly and the situation is devastatingly bad. The reason why I chose this opening is because, with out revelling  to much they gave a perfect picture of what was happening, and made me want to unravel the mystery that was behind the accident.

Part: 2

It's nearly 12am, and im still waiting for that call. I knew it was a foolish thought! a girl like me short, straight plain black hair that consumed most of my face, and that stupid freckle that sits nicely in place and mocks me. Should of listened when they told me I was heading for heart break. 

The silence of the room, doesn't help with the tension. Neither do the millions of faces plastered all over my walls, I have everyones face except for his. The one thats putting me through all this pain! Since his prense i've been through all hell, and torture. All because I believed this one wish, and to my misery he was to be part of it. But tonight, this call will determine everything thing, if all this hell was worth it!
The darkness consumes me and all this thought of hatred and torture surronds me. The only source of light, is the golden turing lamp, with the animal cut outs. Its almost like the shadows are chasing the light, just like im chasing my wish. But how could I forget, this day, this moment all started with the golden lamp........

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